Ich seh, ich seh,
was du nicht siehst

Book Design, Photography, Illustration

University project: final Bachelor’s project

Highly sensitive people are found everywhere among us, yet we don’t know much about them. This book gives deep insight into this disposition. It is also a very personal project, as it reveals a lot about myself and my sensitivity.

All image content is original. The sources of the written typeset text are “Zartbesaitet” (Georg Parlow) and “Sind Sie hochsensibel?” (Dr. Elaine Aron).

This book was elected to be exhibited at the “Best of 2020” virtual exhibition of New Design University for one year.

The book has a hardcover with rose coloured linen and an open spine, where the thread stitching is visible. This stands for the fragile being and inner life of a hyper sensitive person. The exposed spine shows that the viewer is granted deep insight into such a person through this book. The transparent sleeve represents the human body, which delicately holds together this fragile world within.

Ich seh, ich seh, was du nicht siehst 03.jpg

The title of the book is the German name of the game “I spy with my little eye.” A word for word translation would be “I see what you don’t see,” which means that a highly sensitive person perceives things, that others without this disposition often do not notice.

Ich seh, ich seh, was du nicht siehst0004 11b.jpg

The two main mediums used in this project are photography and illustration. A more exprimental way of expressing myself was used for topics that are rather abstract or foremost feelings based. To make the book even more personal, I added self-portraits and handwrote part of the typography.




Cover Art